Celebrities have embraced blogging, MySpace, Facebook, and Twitter as a new found form to attract fame. If Ashton Krutcher Tweets about Demi not wearing pants around the house, it seems everyone in American knows that second. If an NBA player is told to change his play by his coach at half time the world knows about it during the game. If it can cause celebrities like Jennifer Aniston and John Mayer to break up, than it has to be powerful. This is the new world of fame, one in which every move is recorded and told. Most of it is driven by those who fascinate us the most.
Companies are signing celebrities to blog deals like a record label signs a new band. Celebrities often cry for privacy, yet beg for the fame. If they wanted their private lives so private than they wouldn't be blogging and Tweeting for attention. They make us want more, more of what they are wearing, who they are hanging out with, and who they are dating (or breaking up with.) This is all information they offer about their own personal lives themselves.
We all want to share in a piece of the fame. So much of America turns to blogs and tweets daily for their celeb fix to see if their celebrity crush is in the news because if they aren't... well, that's just a let down and if not living vicariously through our crush... well, than how are we suppose to get through the day? Afterall, Starbucks has lost it's midday energy fix. That was so 2008.
Laurent Gilbert
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