Bones actor David Boreanaz just recently came out that he cheated on his wife. But, did he come out by choice? Like any cheating story (i.e. Tiger Woods, Jesse James) Gloria Allred is somehow involved.
Allred tried to seek some six figures for her client Boreanaz mistress for keeping mum of the affair.
Boreanaz hired powerful attorney Marty Singer.
According to E! News,
"I then contacted Mr. Singer on her behalf to find why Mr. Singer was calling her. We discussed the possible resolution of my client's legal claims against Mr. Boreanaz by mediation. My client has not told her story to the press, but now that Mr. Boreanaz is attacking her, she has decided to tell the story of their relationship, so that the truth will come out."
"On April 23, the woman left a very threatening message that she was going to the media, that my client had not given her enough money," he retorts. "It is true I did leave a message for the woman because of the extortionist threat she left with my client. On Monday, I received a call from Gloria Allred and she told me the woman was looking to get paid at least six figures."
The rumored mistress in question in the Boreanaz affair is that famed Tiger Woods mistress #1 Rachel Uchitel.
Confused yet?
Boreanaz married wife and former Playboy Playmate Jaime Bergman in 2001. The couple have a son and daughter together.
[E! News]
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