(Photo: Sunday Style)
Robert Pattinson covers the September issue of Australia’s Sunday Style in which he talks about fame, his career, and his anxiety over red carpet appearances.
When it comes to fame?
“I just didn’t expect any of this and I didn’t ask for it. It was literally all luck. I just stumbled from job to job.”
As for his life and career, where he is now in it all:
“I’m trying to get out of being perceived as really young and I think doing [Dior] helps along those lines. I’m 27 now and I can feel people looking at me differently. It’s a weird year. With Twilight ending and other films I’ve done, like Cosmopolis, I suddenly feel like I’m being treated like an actual actor.”
He still gets anxiety from walking red carpets:
“I get a ton of anxiety, right up until the second I get out of the car to the event, when suddenly it completely dissipates. But up until that moment I’m a nut case." He continues,“Body dysmorphia, overall tremendous anxiety. I suppose it’s because of these tremendous insecurities that I never found a way to become egotistical. I don’t have a sixpack and I hate going to the gym. I’ve been like that my whole life. I never want to take my shirt off. I’d prefer to get drunk.”
Read more of the interview after the jump.
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