Looks like the alleged details that Charlie Sheen held a knife to wife Brooke Mueller during an altercation is not enough for her to want to separate from the Two and a Half Men actor.
As TMZ reports,
We've learned Brooke has hired famed criminal defense lawyer Yale Galanter, who represented OJ Simpson for years. Galanter tells TMZ Brooke did not recant the story she told cops on Christmas Day -- that Charlie allegedly held a knife to her throat and threatened to have her killed. But, Galanter says, Brooke did "minimize her story, like many wives in a similar situation do, when they realize their husband could go to jail."
Galanter tells TMZ he will file papers with the Aspen court this morning, asking the judge to allow Brooke and Charlie to resume contact with each other "so they can work on resolving the conflicts in their marriage." Galanter says Brooke and Charlie love each other very much, calling what happened on Xmas, "one bad night."
We have this funny feeling (not the same funny feeling we get when we watch Two and a Half Men) that this one won't be worked out. I mean how many women has Charlie Sheen been involved with? Perfect relationships just aren't in Charlie's cards.