Katy Perry and Beyonce in a duel? Yes, sir (or mam). So what's this all about?
Katy, in an interview with BBC Radio 1 about her upcoming collaboration with Rihanna said,
"We've collaborated on a lot of things, but just not songs yet. It's one of those things that's got so much build-up that we have to deliver. I want it to be like that Eurythmics and Aretha Franklin song "Sisters Are Doin' It for Themselves," not "Beautiful Liar." But I definitely want to do something that is so iconic."
Beautiful Liar, a Beyonce song featuring Shakira did well, but is that a jab? Either way it drew heat and Katy responded hard on Twitter saying:
Fuck all y'all (press) da t thinks I dissed anyone, puhlez, u havin a slow news day or what?! Get a life, cuz it's not mine! #hoodratcominout
Umm, where her words twisted from that interview? What do you think?
[Huffington Post]
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